Lisa and Mike's Gallery 
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Highlight for album: Our Maui Honeymoon, May 2007
Our Maui Honeymoon, May 2007
This was our honeymoon on the island of Maui. We were there for 12 amazing day, which included our wedding. We broke the pictures into the days they were taken. It was unforgetable.

Created on 10/22/07, last changed on 11/29/07. This album contains 638 items.
This album has been viewed 3945 times since 10/22/07.
May 1st and 2nd, 2007 (3938 views)
May 4th, 2007 (9618 views)
May 5th, 2007 (5062 views)
May 6th, 2007 (16914 views)
May 7th, 2007 (10919 views)
May 8th, 2007 (18693 views)
May 9th, 2007 (7303 views)
May 10th, 2007 (4150 views)
May 11th, 2007 (10541 views)
May 12th, 2007 (2462 views)
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Highlight for album: Car Shows
Car Shows
These are picture albums from different car shows I have attended.

Created on 04/15/07, last changed on 10/22/18. This album contains 464 items.
This album has been viewed 3220 times since 04/15/07.
GNRS Pomona Jan. 2017 (12017 views)
Tiki Car Show, May 24, 2014 (9261 views)
Brothers Truck Show, July 8, 2012 (5522 views)
CPP Truck Cruise, Mar. 12, 2011 (4345 views)
Christmas Cruise 2010 (6694 views)
Dalton's Monthly Car Show, Nov. 7, 2010 (4797 views)
Motorhead Madness, Sept 18, 2010 (4837 views)
Brother's Truck Show July 11, 2010 (6815 views)
Burger Run Jan. 9, 2010 (9988 views)
Mooneyes Car Show Jan. 2007 (3409 views)
Untitled (940 views)
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Lisa and Mike's Engagement, June 24th, 2006
This was the day that Mike surprised Lisa with asking her to marry him. This happened at Cupid's Castle Bed and Breakfast, located in the Valley Center area of San Diego county. She did say Yes!

Created on 03/26/07, last changed on 10/21/13. This album contains 0 items.
This album has been viewed 10016 times since 03/26/07.
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Highlight for album: Random Stuff
Random Stuff
This album contains random pictures or events that don't fall under any other category. No rime or reason but fun none the less. Enjoy.

Created on 01/22/08, last changed on 05/27/13. This album contains 1657 items.
This album has been viewed 4182 times since 01/22/08.
Lisa and Mike Portraits (1730 views)
Our Doggie (8729 views)
Ellie's Snow Day (2287 views)
Ellie's Snow Day #2, April 15, 2012 (1996 views)
Ellie's Snow Day #3, March 10, 2013 (3332 views)
Misc. Car Stuff (8444 views)
Truck Stuff (5773 views)
1955 Chevy Wagon (1404 views)
1972 El Camino (2388 views)
1997 Dodge Ram 2500 (6306 views)
VW Tee (1254 views)
1964 Chevy II Nova Wagon (5278 views)
Nova For Sale (1248 views)
Project Green Tee, 27 Roadster (18038 views)
Gene Winfield Class Sept 2013 (1862 views)
2011 Scion xB (1837 views)
Cherokee Stuff (2600 views)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (1139 views)
Kamparoo Trailer Stuff (2542 views)
1984 Chevy CUCV M1010 Ambulance (11655 views)
Past Cars (2436 views)
69 Camaro (3815 views)
92 Camaro Z28 (1827 views)
1996 Miata (Sold Mar. 21, 2010) (6115 views)
63 Nova (7269 views)
Dune Buggy (4145 views)
Sebring MX Kit Car (4092 views)
Misc. Past Cars (3053 views)
Items For Sale (4644 views)
Michael's TJ Wranger (3889 views)
Dad's '97 Dodge Dakota (1656 views)
Random Pics (2549 views)
Eclipse Oct. 8, 2014 (7650 views)
Master Bedroom Remodel, July 09 (2011 views)
Fence Feb. 2008 (2465 views)
Bathroom Remodel Jan. 08 (2291 views)
Christmas 2007 (2410 views)
San Diego Wildfires 2007 (2924 views)
March 2006 (8532 views)
Tattoos (3272 views)
Mikey's Tattoo Artwork Ideas (6441 views)
Mermaids for Paul (2215 views)
Lisa's Tattoo Artwork Ideas (28480 views)
crafts (2180 views)
Misc Images (1759 views)
Lisa's Random Stuff (2347 views)
house (5844 views)
Pinz 6x6 (2218 views)
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Highlight for album: Lisa's Shower Pictures taken by different people.
Lisa's Shower Pictures taken by different people.
Different albums taken by guests at the shower.

Created on 04/14/07, last changed on 04/14/07. This album contains 74 items.
This album has been viewed 2504 times since 04/14/07.
Lisa's Shower, photos by Janet Schwartz (3482 views)
Lisa's shower, Photos by Donna Christy (3825 views)
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Highlight for album: Trips we have taken
Trips we have taken
This is for pictures of trips we have taken.

Created on 11/18/07, last changed on 10/06/17. This album contains 3610 items.
This album has been viewed 6077 times since 11/18/07.
Maui 2017 (23903 views)
Kauai Sept. 2016 (4488 views)
Thanksgiving 2015 (1096 views)
Big Island Sept 4-11, 2014 (10228 views)
Saline Valley 2014 (4412 views)
Death Valley 2013 (16019 views)
Christmas 2012 (4566 views)
Valley of Fire (6415 views)
Thanksgiving 2012 (2769 views)
Calzona 2011, Dec. 22-26, 2011 (11324 views)
ExPo Toys for Tots, Dec. 10, 2011 (3782 views)
Thanksgiving 2011 (2184 views)
Oahu, Oct. 21-28, 2011 (8222 views)
ExPo Big Bear, Sept. 23-25, 2011 (3289 views)
ExPo Meet and Greet, July 23, 2011 (2026 views)
El Mirage SCTA Racing, June 11-12, 2011 (4252 views)
1st Ram/FWC trip, May 22-23, 2011 (3373 views)
ExPo Toys for Tots, Dec. 4, 2010 (2279 views)
Bradshaw Trail, Nov 26-28, 2010 (4800 views)
ExPo Meet and Greet, Sept 18, 2010 (2034 views)
Overland Expo 2010, Apr. 16-18 (5814 views)
Joshua Tree, Feb 13-14, 2010 (5669 views)
Death Valley, Jan 15-17, 2010 (13489 views)
ExPo Toys for Tots, Dec. 12, 2009 (2186 views)
Death Valley, Thanksgiving 2009 (9496 views)
Big Bear Oct. 16-19, 2009 (3407 views)
Oriflamme Canyon, Oct. 10-11, 2009 (3765 views)
Big Island of Hawaii, Sept. 19th - 26th, 2009 (12434 views)
In-Ko-Pah Mountains, ExPo Run, Sept. 12, 2009 (5371 views)
ExPo Meet & Greet, Fiesta Island, Aug. 29, 2009 (2370 views)
Canyon Sin Nombre, Apr. 5, 2009 (4715 views)
Tierra Del Sol 3-7-2009 (2312 views)
El Camino Del Diablo Dec. 19-21, 2008 (12694 views)
Thanksgiving, Nov. 2008 (8623 views)
Big Bear Oktoberfest, Oct. 17-19, 2008 (3673 views)
Overland Journal Trailer Test May 8-11, 2008 (5834 views)
1st Anniversary Trip, May 3-7, 2008 (10563 views)
Adventure Trailers Movie Night (3731 views)
Mojave Road, March 14-17 (22440 views)
Superstition Mar. 2008 (3399 views)
Thanksgiving 2007 (8016 views)
Kauai, Sept. 2007 (11188 views)
Coyote Canyon 11-17-2007 (4710 views)
Catalina Trip, March 18-19, 2007 (3970 views)
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Highlight for album: Lisa and Mike's Wedding in Maui, May 3rd, 2007
Lisa and Mike's Wedding in Maui, May 3rd, 2007
This was Lisa and Mike's wedding in Maui, May 3rd, 2007. It was held at the Makawao Union Church built in 1916. Pastor Judy performed the service and at the end of the ceremony, the Church bells were rang as they have been so done for almost 100 years. Photos were taken by Gordon Nash Photography, part of a Paradise Dream Wedding. These are resized images and are not photo print quality. Family and friends wishing for original copies for printing, please contact Lisa and Mike. Lisa and Mike are very happy and would like to thank everyone who shared this special day with us. Mahalo!

Created on 05/17/07, last changed on 11/29/07. This album contains 152 items.
This album has been viewed 3467 times since 05/17/07.
Pre Wedding Pictures (3782 views)
Wedding Pictures (4838 views)
Post Wedding Pictures (5637 views)

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