This is here for me to use as an avatar at work.
Viewed: 1234 times.
PICT5060, Momma, that's not a stick...
Viewed: 1170 times.
PICT5063, Now that's a stick!!!
Viewed: 1145 times.
Ever wonder what your dog does when you aren't there? Ours apparently sleeps on the table.
Viewed: 1114 times.
She caught us taking her picture while she was napping.
Viewed: 1108 times.
PICT3054, We couldn't figure out what Ellie was so interested in with this post. Then we saw the feathers.
Viewed: 1036 times.
PICT3056, Removing the bolts. Apparently a bird fell in from the top of the post and could not get out. Ellie alerted us that something was wrong. We were able to lift up the post and the bird flew out. What a good girl Ellie was.
Viewed: 1064 times.
PICT3057, We caught our girls actually sleeping in her dog house. We were so proud!
Viewed: 1113 times.
PICT3151- Ellie in her Zoom Zoom shirt.
Viewed: 1105 times.