Album: Ellie's Snow Day Trip up to Mt. Laguna to let Ellie play in the her first snow day! She had a blast and was so happy to play in the snow. It was snowing on us too! Last change: 04/09/11
Contains: 29 items. Viewed: 2287 times.
Album: Ellie's Snow Day #2, April 15, 2012 A late season storm left about 9" of snow up on Mt. Laguna. Ellie needed another trip to the snow!!! She had a great time and it was funny watching her try to run in much deeper snow then her first trip. Last change: 04/16/12
Contains: 18 items. Viewed: 1996 times.
Album: Ellie's Snow Day #3, March 10, 2013 This year a early March storm left about 8-12" of snow on Mt. Laguna so what to do... take Ellie to the snow!!! Another pup (Winston) showed up and they played until they were pooped! Great day! Last change: 03/11/13
Contains: 61 items. Viewed: 3332 times.